"I speak with my hand you listen with your eyes and we understand each other in one smile, don’t we ?"

Portraits, oils on canvas, 2006-2012
Fixed homes, mixed techniques

Large formats, oils on canvas

Then, let me tell...
The malicious ones
Figurative expressionist composition. On the left Miles Davis, like an angel playing the blues through a window open to the sky, on the right a black man faces him. Sitting on a bag and leaning against a cardboard box, thinking, he wonders if he should stay or leave, resist or flee ? A couple of whites in the center of the board, in the light of truth, Nazi helmet on the head and hand of white power well ahead. He's plotting to harm. This work is part of a catharsis process that has allowed me to free myself from the racial discrimination experienced for six years in my workshop in the Percheron countryside. I have been a victim of racism, intimidation and death threats. Until before this ordeal, I was a Métis man, rich in cultural diversity. I became a black man and Miles Davis became my brother.
Silentium Darfur
Figurative expressionist composition. We are in a courtroom, the light is freezing. The stairs as well as the balustrade bars and vertical brushstrokes damage the foreground. They suggest the domination of the warlord on the left of the painting, a quarter of meat as a standard. On his left we can see an assembly, composed of ghostly individuals. For me, they are the executors of barbarism. My painting becomes abstract when it comes to staging executioners and murderers. To include them would give them the power to fascinate us. In the foreground a black character with a piercing look stares at us and seems to encourage us to react to barbarism. Accomplices by passivity and therefore guilty.
Save the day
Surrealist and humorous composition. This work marks a break in my artistic approach by the spatial and temporal dimension addressed, the sobriety of the composition and the breadth and sumptuousness of the red. The scene presented is surreal: a dog imploring the sky, a flying rat, and a black bug on the run, hanging on a wire, a bulb. My intention : to represent a moment t. The dog is grabbed while it is not yet fully in the frame. The missing dog's body part suggests his freedom of entry and exit, and finally the rats leave the ship !